Now that school is done we have been going down to the campground. A wonderful place that is full of fun and full of BUGS! YUCK!! Understanding that mosquitos are much more than just pesky, they are carriers of the disease West Niles Virus. Make sure YOU and your family are protected this summer. Choose one of Avon's Bugguards with sunscreen for daytime, one without for evenings. They work, no question about it. Plus they smell great! A refreshing change from most bug spray products on the market.
In the eternal quest for fitness, I walk in the mornings with some friends. People complain all the time about the Strawberry flies that seem to attack from all angles in the mornings. I can happily say that a few spritzs of Bugguard before our trek keeps them all at bay!
Enjoy your day and keep safe!
hi Toni: I am interested in trying the Avon Bugguard. Is there any samples you can get me?
Unfortunatly there are no samples available for the bug guard products. Avon has, however, recently come out with a travel size of the product in both Expedition and Picaridin. As all Avon products, this carries the 100% satisfaction guarantee.
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