Well, here we are at the end of the official summer season. You know the older I get the quicker time goes by, a bit disturbing actually!
So, here is the new Avon brochure and what do you think you will find inside? Christmas items! Yup, that's right, Christmas items already.
When I first began my Avon business I was a bit uneasy about having holiday items so early (being in a trendsetter district we are 2 brochures, or 1 month ahead of the rest of the crew) but now I understand the value. As a trendsetter representative we not only highlight new products first, we also have wayyyyyyy fewer backordered items. Backorders are a staple of the Avon business it seems, but we have few or no backorders, which comes in very handy around the holidays!
Take a look at the new brochure at: www.youravon.com/tslowinski