Saturday, September 27, 2008

Batista Bomb

How many of you out there have boys who live for this WWE wrestling? I remember watching wrestling, or so they call it, on TV many, many years ago. Let me tell you it hasn't changed much since then! My 10 year old is just enthralled with this "staged" wrestling, toggling between Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smackdown. He loves us to watch with him, and it is a true test of a parents love for their child! My husband took the boys to see WWE Summer Slam this summer in Wildwood, somehow I managed to be at home that weekend!!!
So what do I find combing through my Avon yesterday? WWE Mens watches! Oh my, what a PERFECT Christmas gift this is going to make! Unfortunatly for my son The Undertaker is NOT one of the choices but there is Batista, of the infamous Batista Bomb (no, I'm really not sure what that is either) and John Cena. Either one I am sure he will love.
You can find them in the Campaign 24 Avon brochure which will be coming out September 30 for your viewing pleasure!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Scents of the Season

Each year my husband gets a permit that allows him to drive his truck on the Avalon beach. It is a very novel thing to do, really. How many people do you know that actually drive along the beaches? I would be willing to say not many!
Yesterday held the beginnings of the noreaster, the surf was beginning to swell, the waves were crashing angrily along the coast. The winds were probably up to 30 miles an hour yesterday, it was an awesome sight. My youngest son said "A once in a lifetime" experience.
Now that the weather is cooling down and fall is in the air, I enjoy surrounding myself with the scents of the season. You know, pumpkin pie, candles, cinnamon potpouri. Even my Footworks products need to be season appropriate! So long Tropical Coconut - Avon's new Winter Spice Footworks has a wonderfully warm aroma, I just love it! Even the packaging is a warm fallish color!
Actually the color of the mums that I am planning on purchasing this weekend!
Happy Fall!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Have you heard of Letterboxing? I hadn't until last year when I read about it in a Family Fun Magazine. Similar to Geocashing but not techy at all, people "plant" containers in various places that hold a small notebook, a rubberstamp and a pen. You need to go onto one of the letterboxing sites ( or to find clues to the different spots.
My boys and I went out the other day to do some letterboxing at the shore, there is something magical about the beach in September. I can't quite put my finger on it but it is certainly cool. We went to several places, one in particular was beautiful, an unprotected beach in Stone Harbor.
I think one other reason I hate to see summer go is that it is a reminder that another page in my kids lives has turned, another part of childhood magic fades away. I am so thankful that I am able to spend this time with them, honestly if it wasn't for my Avon business none of this would have been. Who knew selling lipstick would make for such wonderful memories!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

September Days

I'm sitting here in my porch at the shore, it is a cool evening after a muggy hot September day. I hear the sounds of the crickets or whatever they happen to be, it is a wonderful sound.
I can hardly believe that summer is over, it goes quicker and quicker the older I get. Just tonight I passed an Acme and I saw piles of bright orange pumpkins outside of the store. Yes, Fall is on it's way - with all of it's golden splendors. Look into the latest Avon brochure to find a bounty of harvest delights. Jimmy the Light Up Scarecrow and the Harvest Floral Pumpkin Centerpiece are a few of my favorites.
You will even find a fun costume just for your pooch!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Check out the new brochure

Make sure you check out the new brochures posted bi weekly on my website:

Here you will find the latest brochures, specials and more!

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